San Diego, California - Cuong H. Nguyen pleaded guilty in federal court Monday to conspiring to engage in a wide-ranging postage counterfeiting, forging, and tampering scheme that, over the course of multiple years and more than 160,000 packages, deprived the U.S. Postal Service of approximately $5 million of postage due and owing. 

Sacramento, California - Late spring and early summer is the peak time for California’s deer herds to give birth to fawns, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is issuing a reminder to well-intentioned people to not interact with the baby deer – even if they find one that appears to be abandoned.

Sacramento, California - The California Department of Justice, alongside the States of Delaware, Maryland, and Minnesota, today led a multistate coalition of 19 attorneys general in an amicus brief pushing back on Tyson Foods' efforts to circumvent state court review of its handling of a COVID-19 outbreak at one of its pork-processing facilities in Waterloo, Iowa. The outbreak at the facility reportedly infected more than one-third of the company’s workers. In an amicus brief supporting the families of deceased employees who are suing the company over the outbreak, the coalition urges the appellate court to affirm the district court’s decision to have the cases heard in state court.

Los Angeles, California - The Securities and Exchange Commission Tuesday announced that it obtained an asset freeze and other emergency relief in an emergency enforcement action against Los Angeles-based actor Zachary Horwitz and his company, 1inMM (one in a million) Capital, LLC in connection with an alleged Ponzi scheme that raised over $690 million. Horwitz and 1inMM allegedly told investors that they were buying film rights, purportedly to resell them to Netflix and HBO; in fact, 1inMM actually had no business relationship with either company.

Rochester, Minnesota - COVID-19 put a damper on gameplay as our community canceled many events and activities. Now, though, sports are resuming. Any advice for how we can ensure our young athletes so they can safely return to their games mentally and physically?

Washington, DC - The Securities and Exchange Commission Monday announced the institution of administrative proceedings against a Texas-based CPA for allegedly failing to register his firm with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and alleged wholesale failures in auditing and reviewing the financial statements of a public company client.