Jamaica, New York - The International Mail Facility (IMF) at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) underwent a multi-million-dollar renovation with Executive Assistant Commissioner William Ferrara and the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner Troy Miller overseeing a ribbon-cutting ceremony on April 9.

Washington, DC - Less than two months after the siege of the Alamo, the Texas War for Independence took a turn towards triumph; on April 21, 1836, Sam Houston overwhelmed the unvigilant army of Mexican General, Santa Anna in the Battle of San Jacinto. Houston and his volunteers flogged the Mexican army and imprisoned their leader.

Washington, DC - The staff of the Federal Trade Commission has issued a note correcting previous staff guidelines on the FTC’s Trade Regulation Rule Concerning Preservation of Consumers’ Claims and Defenses—commonly known as the Holder Rule.

Washington, DC - Driving down the highway, Linda Waterman spotted in the distance a hound dog meandering down the side of the road. Confused and concerned, she stopped and managed to coax the large animal into her car. After a lengthy visit to the veterinarian, the doctor gave her some insight into her new furry friend’s past. He shared that the dog would make it through, but his physical wounds would be permanent. He could tell that this dog had been used by someone to hunt bears in the Colorado mountains. Shaken but not discouraged, Waterman decided, war wounds and all, that this passerby would become a new member of her family. And that’s when Jasper the hound dog’s journey of helping others began.

Sacramento, California - Governor Gavin Newsom Tuesday announced the following appointments:

Washington, DC - Compared to newborns conceived traditionally, newborns conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) are more likely to have certain chemical modifications to their DNA, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The changes involve DNA methylation — the binding of compounds known as methyl groups to DNA — which can alter gene activity. Only one of the modifications was seen by the time the children were 9 years old.