Washington, DC - Support for the Opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem:

Washington, DC - Senior representatives and other non-governmental stakeholders from the United States and Brazil participated in the U.S.-Brazil Internet and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Working Group to strengthen our joint commitment to an open, interoperable, reliable, and secure cyberspace.

Washington, DC - I know I drank too many soft drinks as a kid and even as s young adult. My grandpa's store was just across the road and I drank too many Pepsi Colas, Dr Peppers and various other soft drinks. As a young adult I drank plenty of diet drinks for a long time. I'm not totally soda pop free but I doubt that I drink one a month now. Summer is here with outings and picnics so I'll probably have a couple but I'm trying to stay with water and even cut back on coffee.

Washington, DC - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced the appointment of 18 new members and 12 returning members to the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF).

Washington, DC - This morning, First Lady Melania Trump underwent an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition. 

Washington, DC - "Today, we finally acknowledge the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital." ~ President Donald J. Trump