Washington, DC - Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Sheba Crocker will travel to Rome and Vatican City, May 24–26, to attend the World Food Program’s (WFP) Executive Board meeting and for consultations with counterparts and Rome-based international organizations.

Washington, DC - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry today announced he will convene a global Impact Economy Forum, focused on clean energy investments and climate change, this fall.

Washington, DC - The United States condemns the intensified fighting and violence in Unity, Upper Nile, and Jonglei states in South Sudan by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, the armed opposition, and forces led by General Johnson Olony that have led to massive new displacements and had a devastating effect on civilians. We call on all armed groups to immediately halt offensive actions taken in contravention of the January 2014 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement.

Washington, DC - The United States condemns today's mortar attack on the Russian Embassy compound in Damascus, a facility protected by international law.

Washington, DC - Secretary of State John Kerry: "Today’s announcement represents a bold effort by leaders of states and provinces across three continents and seven countries to combat a defining challenge of our time. And it reflects the recognition that fighting climate change is a job for all of us.

West Lafayette, Indiana - The Center for Global Trade Analysis based at Purdue University released the latest version of its GTAP Data Base of worldwide economic transactions Tuesday (May19).