Rochester, Minnesota - Home genetic testing is growing in popularity around the world, and doctors at Mayo Clinic say it can be an educational asset as long as people understand what the tests do and don't do.

Rochester, Minnesota - Despite growing problems with psychological distress, many physicians avoid seeking mental health treatment due to concern for their license. Mayo Clinic research shows that licensing requirements in many states include questions about past mental health treatments or diagnoses, with the implication that they may limit a doctor's right to practice medicine. The findings appear today in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Atlanta, Georgia - This year, the National Football League and the American Cancer Society (ACS) are expanding their efforts to support the fight against cancer through the "Crucial Catch: Intercept Cancer" campaign. After nearly a decade of supporting breast cancer, the NFL and ACS have broadened the campaign to include early detection and risk reduction efforts for other cancers to increase the impact of the campaign.

Dallas, Texas - One month after generic versions of three widely-used blood pressure drugs became available in Canada, hospital visits for adverse events spiked in generic drug users, according to new research in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, an American Heart Association journal.

Washington, DC - More than 11 years after a federal court first ordered them to do so, the major U.S. tobacco companies must begin publishing “corrective statement” advertisements next month telling the American people the truth about their deadly and addictive products, if the court accepts an agreement filed by the parties late Monday. Facing a court deadline, the U.S. Department of Justice, the tobacco companies and our six public health organizations filed the agreement setting forth details for implementing the television and newspaper advertisements ordered by the court. Details are still being finalized for implementing the corrective statements on the tobacco companies’ websites and on cigarette packs, which the court also ordered.

San Juan, Puerto, Rico - The Mercy-class Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) held a medical summit onboard with local and federal stakeholders to synchronize efforts for the ship's mission of providing humanitarian assistance throughout the area, Tuesday.