Washington, DC - "I campaigned on Border Security, which you cannot have without a strong and powerful Wall. Our Southern Border has long been an “Open Wound,” where drugs, criminals (including human traffickers) and illegals would pour into our Country." ~ Donald J. Trump

Washington, DC - It’s been widely reported that 10,000 American seniors turn 65 each and every day and that this rapid pace of aging will continue until 2029. And now, Harvard University tells us that more than half of U.S. households are headed by individuals who are over 50 and that a growing number of them have difficulty meeting their housing costs, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens.

Washington, DC - Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo: "The Iranian Regime’s Ministry of Defense has publicly announced plans to launch three Space Launch Vehicles (SLV) in the coming months. Such actions would once again demonstrate Iran’s defiance of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2231, which calls upon the Iranian regime not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons. This action includes launching SLVs, which incorporate technology that is virtually identical to that used in ballistic missiles, including in intercontinental ballistic-missiles (ICBMs).

Brooklyn, New York - Last week in federal district court, five members of a notorious international criminal organization, known as the Rendon-Reyes Trafficking Organization, were sentenced to prison terms of 15 to 25 years by United States District Court Judge Edward R. Korman. The amount to be paid in restitution will be announced at a later date. Three other defendants are set to be sentenced on January 15.

Atlanta, Georgia - Severiano Martinez-Rojas, 53, of Mexico, was sentenced on Friday by United States District Judge Edward R. Korman to over 24 years in prison for his role in the sex trafficking of three victims. The amount to be paid in restitution will be announced at a later date.

Imperial, California - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has become an almost mythical figure around the world. Soon to be the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history, Netanyahu has dominated the political climate in Israel for many years, building up its economy and representing the Jewish nation powerfully on the world stage. Nonetheless, with April elections on the horizon and the campaign in full swing, Israel’s Attorney General, Avichai Mandelblit, is reportedly almost ready to announce, possibly even next week, if Netanyahu will be indicted in the coming months on corruption charges.