Washington, DC - In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Justice’s U.S. Trustee Program (USTP) has taken a number of steps to protect the health of the public and those involved in bankruptcy proceedings while ensuring that the bankruptcy system remains functional during the current public health emergency.

Washington, DC - In 1981, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first National Crime Victims’ Rights Week to acknowledge the abuse and trauma that victims of crimes often experience, and to recognize the tireless work of dedicated advocates who have taken up the cause of supporting crime victims across our country.  Thanks to the efforts of these individuals, more victims are receiving the care they deserve and accessing tools to empower them as they recover.  This week, we express our appreciation for those who support crime victims, and we reaffirm our strong commitment to reducing the trauma of crime for victims and their loved ones.

Washington, DC - Civic engagement and volunteer service strengthens the fabric of our Nation and reflects the true heart, spirit, and goodness of America.  National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to recognize and honor the countless individuals who selflessly invest in the lives of others.  These ordinary citizens make extraordinary contributions to individuals, families, neighborhoods, communities, and our Nation.

Washington, DC - Our Nation’s annual observance of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, calls on all Americans to pause and reflect on the horrific atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against minority groups and other “undesirables” in the years leading up to and during World War II.  Among those murdered in the Holocaust were 6 million Jewish men, women, and children who became victims of the Third Reich’s unthinkably evil “Final Solution.”  

Washington, DC - Friday, President Donald J. Trump declared that a major disaster exists in the territory of American Samoa and ordered Federal assistance to supplement recovery efforts in the areas affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic beginning on January 29, 2020, and continuing.

Washington, DC - Thursday morning, President Donald J. Trump convened two bipartisan dialogues with Members of the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group to discuss the next chapter of the COVID-19 recovery.  Thursday afternoon the President celebrated the vital role truckers play in keeping America well-stocked.  Later, the President discussed his health-based vision for putting our Nation back to work with America’s Governors.  Thursday evening, President Trump continued his unprecedented level of access to the American people at a press conference where he presented his guidelines on the three phases of Opening Up America Again.