Washington, DC - The U.S. Department of Energy today released the annual Better Buildings Alliance 2016 Winter Progress Update featuring new partners, recent reports and resources, and upcoming priorities identified in the coming year. As part of Better Buildings Initiative, the Better Buildings Alliance is an important peer exchange network providing a platform for commercial building owners, corporate sustainability directors, facilities managers, and engineers to collaborate with other experts, and together work to accelerate adoption of innovative, energy efficiency solutions nationwide.
During the past year, 12 new partners and 7 affiliates have joined the program, expanding the Alliance to more than 200 partner organizations. Partners now represent 11 billion square feet of the nation's commercial building space and a diverse representation of sectors across the United States. In this update, each of the five sector groups—commercial real estate, healthcare, hospitality, higher education, retail, and food service and grocery—identifies two-to-three energy efficiency-related partner priorities for the upcoming year. See all the progress in this infographic.
Better Buildings Alliance partners also promoted peer exchange this year by participating in webinars, teleconferences, and other in-person forums including the Better Buildings Summit. The 11 technology and market solutions teams also developed new online tools, templates, specifications, and technical guidance. In 2015, the Alliance technology and market teams released 40 new resources featured in the Better Buildings Solution Center. A few of the most-viewed resources are highlighted below:
- Ten solar case studies for the hospitality, healthcare, and leased buildings
- Decision guides for plug and process load controls
- Guidance on demand controlled kitchen ventilation
- A primer on organizational use of energy management and information systems.
Additionally, the Alliance's three technology-specific campaigns addressing efficiency in rooftop HVAC units, interior lighting, and parking lot lighting increased participation and expect record results to be announced this spring.
As a cornerstone of President Obama's Climate Action Plan, Better Buildings aims to make commercial, public, industrial, and residential buildings 20% more energy efficient over the next decade. This means saving billions of dollars on energy bills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and creating thousands of jobs. Through the Better Buildings Alliance, partners across the country are working together to share and replicate positive gains in energy efficiency and catalyze change and investment in energy efficiency. Find more Better Buildings partner solutions in the Better Buildings Solution Center.