Washington, DC - The Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues in association with the Institute for Inclusive Security will host “Collaborative Approaches to Global Security” at the Newseum on October 15 at 2 p.m.

The traditional pressure in academia for faculty to “publish or perish” advances knowledge in established areas. But it also might discourage scientists from asking the innovative questions that are most likely to lead to the biggest breakthroughs, according to a new study spearheaded by a UCLA professor.

Los Angeles, California - An international research team led by UCLA life scientists has, for the first time, quantified the direct influence of climate on the growth of ecosystems around the globe.

Washington, DC - Climate change threatens to put hundreds of millions people - mostly women and children - at risk of hunger unless inequalities in the food system are tackled simultaneously with climate change.

Los Angeles, California - If there’s a “secret sauce” for success, it just might be grit. As defined by psychologist Angela Duckworth, it refers to a kind of persistence that only gets stronger in the face of adversity. It’s a hallmark of overachievers, whether in the office or the classroom, and drives them on even when they’re staring down failure.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Keeping track of time is critical for many tasks, such as playing the piano, swinging a tennis racket, or holding a conversation. Neuroscientists at MIT and Columbia University have now figured out how neurons in one part of the brain measure time intervals and accurately reproduce them.