Category: Health News

Rochester, Minnesota - Diaper rash can alarm parents and annoy babies. The rash causes reddish, puffy, irritated skin in the diaper area. The rash generally is caused by a combination of moisture, acid in urine or stool, and chaffing of diaper fabric on your baby's skin.

Some babies also get a rash from the detergent used to launder cloth diapers, or from plastic pants, elastic, or certain types of disposable diapers and wipes. Sometimes a yeast infection may be the cause of a rash.

It usually clears up with simple at-home treatments, such as air drying, more frequent diaper changes and ointment. (Diaper rash usually affects babies, though anyone who wears a diaper regularly can develop the condition.)


Generally, diaper rash can be treated at home with these practices:

The following alternative treatments have worked for some people:

When to see a doctor:

If your baby's skin doesn't improve after a few days of home treatment, talk with your doctor. Sometimes, you'll need a prescription medication to treat diaper rash.