Washington, DC - Recent headlines and articles trumpet the good news: President Donald J. Trump’s economic policies are growing the economy, producing record-high confidence, and creating new jobs.

Washington, DC - On May 8-9th, 2018, Food Policy Action (FPA) is mobilizing stakeholders from across the United States to voice their united opposition to the draft 2018 Farm Bill released by the House Agriculture Committee.

Washington, DC - On this National Day of Prayer, we join together to offer gratitude for our many blessings and to acknowledge our need for divine wisdom, guidance, and protection.  Prayer, by which we affirm our dependence on God, has long been fundamental to our pursuit of freedom, peace, unity, and prosperity.  Prayer sustains us and brings us comfort, hope, peace, and strength.  Therefore, we must cherish our spiritual foundation and uphold our legacy of faith.

Washington, DC - Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Department of Justice will return over $11 million from a settlement with Toyobo Co. Ltd. and Toyobo America, Inc. (collectively Toyobo), companies that produced the fiber used in bulletproof vests that the Department alleged were defective, to help purchase approximately 18,700 additional bullet-resistant vests for law enforcement officers through the Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program. 

Washington, DC - Attorney General Jeff Sessions today announced the dedication of additional prosecutors to handle the prosecutions of improper entry, illegal reentry, and alien smuggling cases, and additional immigration judges to handle the adjudication of immigration court cases that result from the crisis at the Southwest border.

San Diego, California - The Department of Justice Monday filed criminal charges against eleven different suspected members of the so-called “caravan” in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California, announced Attorney General Jeff Sessions and U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California Adam Braverman. All defendants are alleged to have illegally entered the country in violation of 8 U.S.C § 1325, and one defendant is also alleged to have been previously deported and was charged with 8 U.S.C § 1326 (illegal reentry).