Category: California News

Sacramento, California - Today, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella), Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife, presided over a public joint initiative hearing with Budget Subcommittee No. 3 on Resources and Transportation to discuss the Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018.

This citizen-driven bond to fund water supply, groundwater sustainability as well as fish and wildlife projects has received support and formal endorsements from various conservation groups, water districts, agricultural organizations and other entities such as the Salton Sea Authority, the County of Imperial, Coachella Valley Water District, the California Farm Bureau Federation and Western Growers.

Chairman Garcia has provided the following statement on the proceedings:

“This citizen-driven initiative will appear on November’s ballot. Our committee members had the opportunity to examine and pose questions on proposition language as well as the listed project allocations. This measure includes $500 million for Safe Drinking Water, $200 million for the Salton Sea and $20 million for the New River.”

Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018 initiative website: