Category: News

New Zealand - Did you know you can potty train your cow the same way you might potty train your toddler? According to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC], scientists at New Zealand’s University of Auckland have done just that. 

Cows can produce as much as eight gallons of urine in the course of a day and urine contains a lot of nitrogen, which can, when mixed with their feces, be bad for the environment. And so, the Auckland scientists and colleagues in Germany to create a MooLoo, a specially designed pen, in which to do their business. They let the cows roam in an enclosed area in the midst of which was a MooLoo, which the animals were urged to use when the need arose. The cows that opted for the facility were given a treat; if they didn’t they were squirted with cold water. Most of the cows used in the experiment ultimately decided to use the MooLoo when they had to go.