Category: News

Washington, DC - Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo: "It was with great sadness that I learned today of the passing of Yukiya Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency.  I join my colleagues at the State Department, in extending our deepest condolences to the Amano family and to the IAEA community.

"For almost a decade, Director General Amano has led the organization at the forefront of international cooperation to ensure peace and stability through nuclear nonproliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.  He was a strong champion for the mandate, authorities, and as required independence of the agency, and in ensuring the resources needed to carry out that mandate.

"Director General Amano amended President Eisenhower’s original concept for the Agency – “Atoms for Peace” – to create a new motto:  “Atoms for Peace and Development.”  Although he is gone, Yukiya Amano’s commitment to the goal of international cooperation in nuclear nonproliferation, and its role in security, peace and development, will continue to inspire us all."