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Washington, DC - Following US warnings of Iranian attacks, two Saudi tankers bringing oil to the US have been hit in sabotage attacks, leaving them seriously damaged. The attack, which seems to have Iran’s fingerprints all over it, follows the American deployment of an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Straits of Hormuz, a 21-mile wide waterway that separates Iran from other oil-rich Gulf countries.

Are we on the brink of an all-out conflict with Iran? If so, how will it break out? Joining us in this discussion is David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh in Israel and author of “Trump and the Jews”.

  1. Mayor Rubin, why are you convinced that Iran is the attacker of the Saudi oil tankers? Answer: In recent days, American and Israeli intelligence have been warning of imminent Iranian attacks, and there have been direct verbal threats from the leadership of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, making clear their intent to respond to the American deployment of the aircraft carrier and bombers in the Straits of Hormuz.
  2. Why would Iran risk making such high-profile threats and even direct or indirect attacks? Answer: In the Middle East, strength, or at least the appearance of strength, is highly sought. It’s like the psychological edge sought by a bully in a schoolyard or a prison. Iran believes that by waging high-profile attacks against Saudi Arabia or Israel, allies of the United States, it will intimidate the United States, thus gaining the psychological edge.
  3. Why is the Straits of Hormuz a potential powder keg? Answer: The Straits of Hormuz is a 21-mile wide waterway that separates Iran from other oil-rich Gulf countries, and as we know, oil tankers are quite large. The potential for armed conflict there is enormous. While the U.S. is working on oil-independence, that day has not yet arrived, so if the Straits of Hormuz were to be shut down, even for a short amount of time, the economic fallout could be catastrophic.
  4. Why is the convergence of the American attack on the North Korean ship and the attack on the Saudi tankers significant? Answer:  Iran and North Korea have been feverishly pursuing nuclear weapons capability and both are threatening the United States. The convergence of their recent dual threats can’t be ignored since they are obviously testing this president’s resolve.
  5. Why does the recent stationing of the US carrier and bomber task force in the Straits of Hormuz bring us closer to armed conflict with Iran? The American attack on the Korean ship is a signal to Iran that the Trump administration is prepared to take aggressive action when needed. Iran sees the American presence in the Straits of Hormuz as a threat to Iranian attempts to dominate the region and threaten America’s Persian Gulf allies.
  6. Iran has been continuing its support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists in Gaza. After 700 Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets recently killed and wounded Israelis, why did Israel agree to a ceasefire? After his great election victory several weeks ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is conducting very intense negotiations to form a governing coalition. It makes more sense for him to postpone the big conflict with the Iranian surrogates until he has a strong united coalition standing with him.
  7. Where can our viewers get a copy of your book, “Trump and the Jews”? At Just type in “Trump and the Jews”.

Bio: David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the new book, “Trump and the Jews”. Rubin is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. He can be found at or at