Washington, DC - The first president to have his own dedicated aircraft was Franklin Roosevelt, says the Association of Mature American Citizens.  He used it only twice and it was not called Air Force One way back then.  It had the nickname, Sacred Cow.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Researchers have succeeded in creating a new “whispering gallery” effect for electrons in a sheet of grapheme - making it possible to precisely control a region that reflects electrons within the material. They say the accomplishment could provide a basic building block for new kinds of electronic lenses, as well as quantum-based devices that combine electronics and optics.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - From above, parts of California’s Southern Coast Ranges appear startlingly uniform: The landscape is composed of ridges and valleys that form a pattern of parallel lines as evenly spaced as teeth on a comb.

Austin, Texas - Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a centimeter-accurate GPS-based positioning system that could revolutionize geolocation on virtual reality headsets, cellphones and other technologies, making global positioning and orientation far more precise than what is currently available on a mobile device.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Solar energy holds the best potential for meeting humanity’s future long-term energy needs while cutting greenhouse gas emissions - but to realize this potential will require increased emphasis on developing lower-cost technologies and more effective deployment policy, says a comprehensive new study, titled “The Future of Solar Energy,” released by the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI).

Baltimore, Maryland - As the realities of legalized marijuana take hold in four states and the District of Columbia, legislators and regulators could learn a lot from the successes - and failures - of the tobacco and alcohol industries in keeping their harmful products out of the hands of children and adolescents.