Category: Imperial Valley

Imperial, California - Today, the Imperial Irrigation District Board directed its general counsel, with the assistance of the law firm of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, to initiate a formal action against the California Independent System Operator to restore long-term deliverability of generated resources located within the IID balancing authority.

At the same time, the district, through appropriate judicial and administrative means, will seek reconsideration of the California Public Utilities Commission's reversal of Commissioner Ferron's 2011 ruling that fixed resource adequacy within the IID balancing authority at 1,400 megawatts.

In a related action, the board also directed staff to execute a written engagement agreement with the San Diego-based law firm of Aguirre & Severson LLP to assist in this regard.

Both actions were taken during closed session by a unanimous vote and were reported during open session by the district's general counsel, Ross Simmons.